Channel: Erkan-Yilmaz's Last.fm Journal
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share feedback about my compositions please

click HERE to play the tracks in your browser
(play videos, see below for more play options)


- combining violin with piano:
-- album 3: (youtube, last.fm, archive.org), 65 mins
-- album 6: (youtube, last.fm, archive.org)

- only piano tracks:
-- album 2: (youtube, last.fm, archive.org), 70 mins
-- album 5: (youtube, last.fm, archive.org)

- only violin tracks:
-- album 1: (youtube, last.fm, archive.org), 67 mins
-- album 4: (youtube, last.fm, archive.org)

- human sounds (youtube, last.fm, archive.org)
(in total: 59 tracks, >4.25h)

- the last.fm links above: also offer on the track pages youtube videos (which you can play inside last.fm)
- archive.org also offers torrents for download
- sheet music to all composed tracks is available here
- you can find listeners here
- see also groups: EYRS and Musicology
- if you want to see stats, see Erkan Yılmaz (last.fm translates the name into the native one)
- see my research (practical + theoretical) about similar music to mine

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TOC for all my 2014 last.fm blog posts: here

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